Saturday, September 25, 2010

Is That on the Regular Tour, too?

Day four, in Rome. I met with a Real Estate agent to look over information about villas for lease, as I have decided to make Italy my home for the next several weeks, at least. As night fell, I spent some time in a local bar, listening to some music, and then decided to head out to look at some more sights.

The Colosseum. Beautiful. Majestic. Probably the first thing many think of when hearing of Rome. I snuck inside. It is the only way I would get to see it. If I joined a regular tour during the day, someone might notice that I...sparkle. 

Once in, I had the freedom to move about and explore. As I explored the centuries-old structure, I imagined what it must have been like to have been a Gladiator, forced to fight for his life day after day, or  to have been in the Chariot Races. And then...he arrived. One moment I was alone, and then Demetri materialized in front of me. Scared the shit out of me, in fact.

I asked Demetri if he was following me. Sore subject apparently, because he immediately informed me that for some reason, he keeps finding himself drawn to where I am, and that he hates it.  Then I am in his arms again, against another wall (what is it with us and walls, anyway?), and he tells me again that he really doesnt want 'this'.  Well, there are the words that EVERY woman wants to hear, right?  So why did it make me weak in the knees? Why did desire twist and knot inside me, like it never has before? How many kinds of twisted am I?

Things went further this time with Demetri, and he mentioned going back to my hotel, since it was going to be daylight soon. Like a gullible idiot, I agreed, and we sped back to the hotel, but once we got there, his demeanor changed, and we argued, again, and I lost my temper, again. Used my gift on him, again. The last time I saw him, he was crumbled on the floor, immobile, and I was hiding in the bathroom waiting on him to leave.

He said it was kinky. And that he liked it. That it wasn't over.

No, I'm sure it's not.

Be Careful What You Wish For

My third evening in Rome, I headed out on foot to do some sightseeing. I didnt really have a destination in mine, but after a conversation with a kindly old gentleman, I walked to the Trevi Fountain. Many legends circle around this fountain. Standing in front of it, watching tourists anxiously, hopefully making their wishes, I pulled three coins out of my pocket, and tossed them over my left shoulder with my right hand, while making my wish. What did I wish for?

Change. Plain and simple. As a vampire, years pass, decades pass, hell, centuries pass. You watch the world around you change, but you remain unchanged. Your habits are your habits, your family is your family. You simply exist. Hunt, shop, read. Very little changes. I wished for some change to come and shake things up.

After making my wish, I went back to my hotel. Shortly after arriving, Demetri showed up at my door. Made some flippant remark about coming to make my wish come true. Erroneously assuming that HE was my wish. Pompous Ass. Of course we argued. But I'll be damned if I didnt end up against the wall again. This encounter ended with me asking him to leave, and left me with a ripped blouse, aching with need, and regret for sending him away.

It doesnt make sense. On any level. He's with the Volturi. I am a Denali. Sworn enemies. He feeds on humans, I feed on animals. We are polar opposites. Yet, put me in the same location as him, and my entire body hums, craves him. All thought, reason, sensibility ceases to exist when he touches me.  Its annoying as hell. I should want him dead. Half the time, based on the things that come out of his mouth, I DO want him dead.  Fucker.

I wished for Change - but this is NOT what I had in mind. The fates appear to be having some entertainment at my expense.

One thing is certain. I'm staying away from that damn fountain.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"Ruin"ed Plans and Sneak attacks

On my second day in Rome, I realized that I needed to hunt, so I had a rental car delivered to me at the Westin. Driving out of the city, I headed out into the Italian Countryside, making my way through to the area near the Ruins of Pompei. Hunting first to take care of the thirst, after the sun went down, I went back to explore the Ruins. I could feel the history as I wandered the crumbling ruins.

Lost in my own thoughts, I picked up a scent, quickly recognizing it as Demetri Voltaggio, of the Volturi. I saw red - immediately furious, reminded of my sister Irina's death at the hands of the Volturi, and started looking for him. It was asinine, the thought of attacking him out in the middle of nowhere, alone, but the urge to attack him was uncontrollable. And attack I did, and quickly found myself pinned to the side of a building by a cocky, smirking Demetri.  I loathed him on sight. And there was something else. Lust? Desire? I am not certain what word to use - as Demetri's scent and the feel of his hard body pressing me against the wall assaulted my senses, I found that I was looking at him differently.

Things are never quite that easy though. His attitude, his arrogance, that mouth pushed my buttons, and I used my gift to shock him off of me, and triggered a game of hide-and-seek throughout the ruins. It ended with my reluctant, annoyed admission of desire for him, and he walked away.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You have to start somewhere

You already know the basics of my story. I am Kate Denali (Katrina), of the Denali Coven.  My sisters are Tanya and Carmen, and my Brother-in-Law is Eleazar. We are 'vegetarian' vampires, much like the Cullens, choosing to respect human life, and live only off of animals.

I married Garrett, who was a nomad, and  he joined our coven, and with great struggle, changed to our "Vegetarian" diet. As it would seem, however, love is not always enough, and Garrett and I have parted ways. He has returned to his Nomadic lifestyle, and I have chosen to take my 'single-again' status as an opportunity to re-invent myself, so to speak.

I have to start somewhere, right?  For me, that is in Italy.